Products & services

  • Products & services

  • Vector Core Service Online
  • Viral Vector Services
  • Shared library of experimental materials
  • Instrument and laboratory sharing
  • Other services

Plasmids and cells purchasing

In order to facilitate the research work of the laboratories in CIBR, the Vector Core will collect the plasmid and cell line purchase requirements of each laboratory, and contact the Addgene China agent (Beijing Zhongyuan Company) and Beijing Xiehe Cell Resource Center in the last week of each month (in advance if it is a legal holiday) to assist you in purchasing the required plasmids and cell lines.

All plasmids and cell lines purchased with the assistance of the Vector Core will be shared with researchers in the laboratories of the CIBR. In order to encourage the sharing of experimental materials, the Vector Core will provide an additional subsidy of 30% of the actual purchase price for the plasmids and cell lines.

Ask each laboratory administrator to use the laboratory as a unit to apply for plasmid and cell line purchase service according to the following process.

a) Those who need to order plasmids can check the required plasmids on Addgene's official website (

b) Those who need to order cells should check the required cells on the national infrastructure of cell line resource platform ( and confirm the "Cell Resource Center of Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences" (ie, Peking Union Medical College Hospital Cell Bank) has deposited the cell line.

c) Please ask each laboratory administrator to collect statistics on the purchase of plasmids and cell lines in this laboratory, and fill in the “Plasmid Request Form” (Form VC213) or Cell Request Form” (Form VC223), and send it to the Vector Core administrator (Ju Yingzi, by email in the last week of each month, and copy it to the person in charge of the laboratory (PI or the director of the technology center) ) and the Director of Vector Core (Zhao Fei,

d) The Vector Core will reply to the mail as soon as possible to confirm the purchase application of the plasmid and cell line, and arrange the purchase as soon as possible based on the application form, according to the mail receiving order. If you need to change or cancel the purchase application, please inform us by email in time; if the purchase process has started, you cannot change or cancel the service, and the Vector Core will provide feedback by mail.

Note: In order to simplify the service application process, the laboratory manager is not required to sign the purchase application form.

e) All plasmids and cell lines purchased with the assistance of the Vector Core are shared by all laboratories of the CIBR by default and stored by the Vector Core.

Note: Due to various reasons such as the long delivery period of the Addgene plasmid and the uncertain recovery time of the cell bank, the Vector Core cannot guarantee the specific delivery time of the plasmid and cell line. According to experience, the delivery time of the Addgene plasmid is 6 weeks after payment and MTA is signed, and the arrival time of the cell bank cell line of Peking Union Medical College Hospital is 4-6 weeks after payment.

f) Addgene plasmids are mostly delivered in the form of bacterial puncture tubes; after arrival, the Vector Core will carry out glycerol bacteria conservation, and extract the plasmids for storage, and then hand the puncture tubes to the purchase applicant.

g) Most libraries purchased from Addgene are transported in the form of mixed plasmids. To ensure that users have the best storage capacity when using the library, the Vector Core will directly forward the purchase applicants after receiving the library. The applicant will amplify and save the library according to the library depositor's simple method. Please be sure to submit a copy of the library (mixed bacteria glycerol tube and / or mixed plasmid) to the Vector Core for sharing, hope to understand.

h) After receiving the cell line pick-up notice, the Vector Core will go to the cell bank of Peking Union Medical College Hospital to obtain the purchased cell lines as soon as possible, and expand, freeze a batch of cells according to the information provided, and perform mycoplasma PCR test.

i) If it is impossible to expand the cell line by the Vector Core due to the work arrangement, depending on the actual situation, it may be necessary to ask the cell applicant to perform the expansion and cryopreservation work, and  transfer the frozen cells (10 tubes x 5 x 106 cells / Branch) to the Vector Core for storage and shared with the center in the cell bank, hope to understand.

j) The Vector Core will inform the purchase laboratory by mail at the same time as the plasmid and cell line expansion and conservation work, and the buyer is requested to collect it on time and register for delivery.

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