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  • Vector Core Service Online
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  • Shared library of experimental materials
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The Vector Core currently has three ultracentrifuges for sharing, including Beckmann Optima XPN-80, XPN-90, and XPN-100. The rotors and some compatible centrifuge tube models and related accessories are provided on the next page. "Rotors and Tubes Parameters of the Ultracentrifuges" . 

The normal open sharing time of the ultracentrifuge is 9: 00-17: 00 on legal working days. In order to unified management of facilitate and ensure the safe use of equipment, there is a face recognition access control between ultracentrifuge room, and users must enter only after authorization. Untrained users need to be trained by the Vector Core administrator (Yuan Ma, before being authorized to use it.

The ultracentrifuge implements an appointment use system, and users need to make an appointment at the central reservation platform at least 24 hours before the experiment (reservation website: The use of the ultracentrifuge is limited to the person who made the reservation, and limited to the reserved centrifuge during the reserved time period. If you need to change the use time, laboratory personnel, equipment, or cancel the appointment under special circumstances, you must inform the Vector Core administrator at least 24 hours in advance. The same laboratory personnel may not change or cancel the appointment more than 4 times per month, and the same laboratory may not change or cancel the appointment more than 6 times per month. In order to avoid wasting time, we urge the experimenters to improve the use efficiency. The sharing of ultracentrifuges is paid, and the CIBR charges them uniformly. Charges are based on machine hours, and the time of use is based on the reservation time, and the use of the corresponding machine time will be charged if the time exceeds the reservation time. Changes or cancellations of reservations must be made 24 hours in advance, and those who have not been notified before 24 hours in advance will normally be charged.

Please use the ultracentrifuge in strict accordance with the operating specifications of the equipment. The damage caused by abnormal use must be borne by the user and his laboratory. The user of the ultracentrifuge must quickly remove the centrifuged sample after use, and it is forbidden to leave the sample in the centrifuge for a long time. At the same time, the centrifuge and rotor should be properly cleaned, the machine should be shut down, the used reagents and garbage should be cleaned, and the tabletop should be cleaned. Finally, please be sure to fill out the "Ultracentrifuge Use Registration"

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