Products & services

  • Products & services

  • Vector Core Service Online
  • Viral Vector Services
  • Shared library of experimental materials
  • Instrument and laboratory sharing
  • Other services

Request shared vector and cell line

The shared cell and plasmid library of the Vector Core is open to all laboratories of the CIBR. The experimental materials included in the shared library of the cell and plasmid will be updated regularly. Scientists in the laboratories of the CIBR are welcome to apply for shared experiments material in accordance with the following procedures.

a) Please refer to the Cell and Plasmid Sharing List or homepage (under construction) updated by the Vector Core regularly to confirm that the required plasmids or cell lines have been stored in the shared library.

b) Applicants who share experimental materials should fill out the “Plasmid request form” (Form VC213) or “Cell Line request form” (Form VC223); if necessary, you must also complete and sign the "Experimental Material Transfer Agreement" (MTA, Form VC201), and send it to the administrator of the Vector Core (Ju Yingzi, by mail.

Note: If the material sharer requires the MTA to be signed, the lab leader needs to sign the MTA.

c) The Vector Core will reply to the mail as soon as possible to confirm the application for plasmid and cell line request, and based on the application form, prepare the materials as soon as possible in accordance with the mail receiving order.

d) For plasmids, if the required plasmid stock is sufficient, you can register and collect it on the same day. If the inventory is insufficient, you need to make an appointment to collect it (about 1 week). The collected plasmid was extracted from the plasmid mini extraction kit (concentration of about 0.5mg / ml), dissolved in sterile ddH2O and frozen at -80oC, and the request amount was 5μl.

e) The applicant can also choose to receive the bacterial solution. The Vector Core will inoculate the stored frozen glycerol bacteria and provide 5ml of fresh bacterial solution with shaking culture overnight.

f) For cell lines, the Vector Core will provide cryopreservation tubes or resuscitated cultured cells based on frozen cell storage. Cryopreserved cells can be registered and collected on the same day, and resuscitated cultured cells should be collected after appointment (about 1-2 weeks).

g) The Vector Core will make every effort to provide specific information (map, sequence, resistance, culture medium, culture method, etc.) of the plasmid or cell line. If you have any questions, you can contact the Vector Core at any time for consultation.

Note: each laboratory is required to prepare cell culture related media and serum in advance.

h) Material recipients should collect the materials in time at the appointment time, and register for request.

Note: The Labs in CIBR can freely acquire the shared cells and plasmids, but please properly manage and save them by yourself; re-acquisition of the same materials requires appropriate charges.

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